Drafting agent press release for any contributing authors to use.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Drafting agent press release for any contributing authors to use.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Need to cross-reference authors by BAM pubs.
Spent 3-4 hours walking trade show floor and gave out 10-20 books and go 10-20 jv opportunities identified.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Scott and Eddie met w me this afternoon at Tripleplay. First time authors met each other.
Very good brainstorming and will try Scott's site and do press release for agents and broker janaury sales training meeting.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Got another surge via Point2 posting Real Estate in 2008 project on their member home page.
Okay, close enough to shoot for 1,000 agents by final publication date next week.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
This is state assn show of 10,000 agents from ny nj and penn. We emailed about 100 agent authors and in one day about 10 popped up to say they are coming here. Goal is to meet them, thank them, give them paperback and ask them to sell 10 copies each at show to people they meet. Most importantly to get feedback and passion on what's to be done next.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
We found 300 agents who did survey but not opted in to free ebook so our team is sending 300 individual emails today.
Point2 group just replied and likely going to post Monday to their 160,000 network so that would be significant.
Loaded ratings so 2,100 to be rated.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Sounds like an excellent win-win arrangement for all.
Slowly getting back to positive mental state by getting back to routine in office. And getting a few new clients started for Best Agent Business part-time virtual assistant business helps!
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Sometimes when you start a crazy project and you succeed, you realize you create a beast that needs to be fed. So it is w Real Estate in 2008.
We are now at 692 agent authors. About 400 properly did aweber opt-in to get free ebook. Just sent them broadcast w list of all agent authors in book and notice they wld be in book, plus samples of keyword search and request for Raters.
Rating is launched w Best Agent Business doing duplicate and excludes and Project Tinkertoy Raters to start idea rating. If we don't get promised help from the 10-20 agents of Project Tinkertoy we will be dead in water for best possible final version.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
It is very interesting how many positive comments we are getting back on survey for the Project Tinkertoy idea. My guess is about 1-4 percent of agents who are told about this and get email from someone share ideas on survey. My guess is 10,000 to 50,000 agents have had a shot at this so far.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
I truly do live in a town called North Pole. North Pole,
AK 99705 to be exact. To add to the disbeleif factor...
I started working at the Santa Clause House when I was in
high school and worked there for two years as "Head Elf"
in the Toys and Ornament department. I loved it! I got
to decorate trees and play with toys all day.
The town isn't that big, probably right under 2,000
people. We have a Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendy's and a
small grocery store. The temperature ranges between 90
and -60 through the year.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Just met the person in charge of NAR bookstore who took over from Matt. Discussed getting book online asap. And dec special.
Said bye to Wayne and Bob. Lunched w enieghborhoods and prostep and pitched book and gave copy.
Walking floor of show super fast to catch anything I can pickup or remember.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Project Tinkertoy rocks!
Had breakfast with Roseann and she had seen Seth Godin Project Tinkertoy reference.
As I walked into business center, fedex was at loading dock. Very happy they arrived.
Did a handwritten one page ad to enclose as we give out books. Had business center make copies and fax me so we can forward it around.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Is it worth sharing ideas and spending 10-20k a year to make $1 mil increased value??
Shoutout to any Billion Dollar Agent reading - pls email me. You too future Billion Dollar Agents, you know who you are...
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
I checked it out and it works great I can do whatever you need me to, just
let me know.
I also noticed you STOLE my Group name of Project Tinkertoy!!!! It is a
great name and I understand why you STOLE it and that's OK. However, you
may want to give the real creative genius behind the name some credit in the
book if you can. That creative genius was Chris Tertzagian!!!! I am sure
that with an ounce of recognition her creative genius will benefit the
project in many more ways to come. Let me know if this is possible.
Thanks and keep me posted,
Gene Whittle, BROKER, AGENT
The 'HOME' Team
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
43% say market will worse. 77% say market will be same or worse. No one has done this survey in industry probably. And majority clearly wld say 2007 was bad.
Over 300 gave separate creative ideas and 150 volunteered to spread the word.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Hey they laughed.
Told them about Real Estate in 2008. They will check it out.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
The intro to the book sounds a little like a life coach I had a few years
back, my truth plays out a bit different. I don't give my self the excuse
that "oh maybe my intentions weren't right" or "I can't seem to stop these
negative thoughts and that is why I don't succeed"
I just can not play that game with myself, it leads to more self loathing
than I am willing to endure. My belief structure is that there is no cure
for Bad Intentions, or burnout or negative thought, Most people just can't
put it out of their mind. The only way to manage it is to recognize it is
there, that it is part of your life, and probably will be forever. So stop
beating yourself up about it, find a way to use it. Recognize it for what
it is, just thoughts passing through your mind. The more credence you give
them the more powerful they become. don't try to change them. The only
way I can beat stinking thinking is excitement. I have to get excited
about something. Change something at the core of my business, or my
business model altogether. Make a change that has an outside chance of
taking off and producing stellar results. Below are a few examples
realtors could use that may also promote your part timer business;
automate your lead generation
tap into a higher priced market by capping your listing commision while
maintaining your normal buyer fees
Automate most of your contact with your sellers, keep it personal at least
one time per week, the rest should be automated
Refuse a listing because you know it is a waste of time
Rebate 100% of a 1st time homebuyer's commision once every 6 months and
advertise the hell out of what you did.
Limit your buyer clients, Maybe pick the best 8 and refer the rest away.
Give those 8 your absolute best and you will again feel good about yourself
and the market
I hope you are getting the idea. I must pause here and ask that you forgive
my grammar and punctuation. Not my best skill.
Your comment " to be successful in today's market, we have to become
comfortable with being uncomfortable" Amen brother, you can't be afraid
in this market, if you are getting a lot of business now, you are taking it
from someone else. If they get pissed off then they will find another
career, if it motivates them to do better then they will pull the whole
profession up with them. As far as I am concerned that is a Win/Win.
I enjoyed sharing with you, I hope it helps.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Guess as to percentage as to what is value, I think there is a LOT of VALUE there, but seriously in need of editing and rigorously deleting. I think that at the end of the day if you end up with 25% donated content and 45 to 65 pages total, you will have a FANTASTIC achievement that will affect countless lives and make a real and significant difference in our real estate market.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Got content out to team. Got first press release out. Registered a domain thanks to a Project Tinkertoy suggestion.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Top of the morning to you!
Happy to report at 8:10am that www.zoomerang.com, our survey platform, reports 206 surveys. Since we have 4 key questions and multiple people gave multiple ideas, we are officially over 1,000 ideas! Now, we have about 4 hours to download survey, get into word, put into ebook template and publish in lulu. Stay tuned...
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Usually better quality. Car noise made it harder.
Note. Perfection holds back MANY real estate agents.
I was on an airplane flying from Washington, DC to Los Angeles on Friday, November 9th. Like most (inaudible) trips on an airplane, I brought about five magazines, read them through and clipped a lot of pages with ideas, drink a lot of coffee and got in a certain state of airplane flow which seems to invoke mild (inaudible) of hypomania. In this case, I was flying to Los Angeles to speak at Coach Paddy Corey's Jumpstart 2008 Conference. I have never met Paddy, but I was decided to meet her and I heard that it was a great group of people and great conference. I was going to the NAR Conference in Las Vegas, the following few days and I was looking forward to find out someway to make it an interesting and exciting event. Suddenly it hit me, why not get all the agents at Paddy Corey's Conference to help write a book in one week which is launched at NAR of ideas for agent for the coming market in 2008. The concept was to conceive right and publish a book in one week that could help thousands of real estate agents deal with the expected bad market conditions in 2008. Even though I am not a real estate agent, (inaudible) to real state agents was that for most agents 2007 was worst than 2006 and the majority of agents were in a state of fear in trepidation that 2008 market may be even worse than 2007. Clearly what's important is, first a positive mindset of my focus on the concept of specific ideas and actions that could be taken for buyers and sellers specific to 2008. On the airplane, I created a e-mail on my Blackberry as (inaudible) announcing the secret project and asking whether someone was in or out if no one (inaudible) the secret project without revealing the details. I sent that information to few people who I already knew at the conference such as Ted Jacobson, Jim Burns, Sherry (Inaudible), Lucy (Inaudible), Chris (Inaudible), and Joy Gerardi, (Inaudible) Coy who is posting it and two other speakers
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Remember, probably 10 times that number of agents read email about survey but did not take 10 min to contribute.
Kudos to the 150 agents who shared their ideas openly with one million other real estate agents.
They operate from a mindset of abundance not scarcity. I bet they have a great year in 2008!
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
You do live a great life enjoy the Sun, the original hot dog on a stick is there you should try one if you never have..
Talk to you when you get in town I'll be at the NAR Expo tommorow.
All the best,
Noah Herrera
Over 1 Billion Closed
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Need to now read first replies and sort out start. Need to create subpage on Best Agent Business - www.bestagentbusiness.com, voicequilt, bizcards, press release, check mturk.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Spoke to Fran and blogs are starting. This is a sub blog. Shooting for google number one for 'real estate 2008' in a few weeks.
Will go live on Realtown homepage by this afternoon
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
16 visits to survey and 6 completes, including the famous Billion Dollar Agent, Russell Shaw from Phoenix and one of authors of Bloodhound Blog.
Somehow, we gotta get 100 surveys in next 12 hours to stay on deadline.
Time to sleep. Over and out.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Survey link: http://www.zoomerang.com/survey.zgi?p=WEB2275H36JR5S
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
16 visits to survey and 6 completes, including the famous Billion Dollar Agent, Russell Shaw from Phoenix and one of authors of Bloodhound Blog.
Somehow, we gotta get 100 surveys in next 12 hours to stay on deadline.
Time to sleep. Over and out.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
Survey link: http://www.zoomerang.com/survey.zgi?p=WEB2275H36JR5S
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247