rather pay you 500 dollars for 3 pages that will change my life than 5
dollars for 300 pages that tell me something I already know" It may be
possible to generate some real interest by giving 3 great ideas away in
hopes they will buy a copy to see the remaining plethura of ideas. You must
have a large database of realtors by now.
The intro to the book sounds a little like a life coach I had a few years
back, my truth plays out a bit different. I don't give my self the excuse
that "oh maybe my intentions weren't right" or "I can't seem to stop these
negative thoughts and that is why I don't succeed"
I just can not play that game with myself, it leads to more self loathing
than I am willing to endure. My belief structure is that there is no cure
for Bad Intentions, or burnout or negative thought, Most people just can't
put it out of their mind. The only way to manage it is to recognize it is
there, that it is part of your life, and probably will be forever. So stop
beating yourself up about it, find a way to use it. Recognize it for what
it is, just thoughts passing through your mind. The more credence you give
them the more powerful they become. don't try to change them. The only
way I can beat stinking thinking is excitement. I have to get excited
about something. Change something at the core of my business, or my
business model altogether. Make a change that has an outside chance of
taking off and producing stellar results. Below are a few examples
realtors could use that may also promote your part timer business;
automate your lead generation
tap into a higher priced market by capping your listing commision while
maintaining your normal buyer fees
Automate most of your contact with your sellers, keep it personal at least
one time per week, the rest should be automated
Refuse a listing because you know it is a waste of time
Rebate 100% of a 1st time homebuyer's commision once every 6 months and
advertise the hell out of what you did.
Limit your buyer clients, Maybe pick the best 8 and refer the rest away.
Give those 8 your absolute best and you will again feel good about yourself
and the market
I hope you are getting the idea. I must pause here and ask that you forgive
my grammar and punctuation. Not my best skill.
Your comment " to be successful in today's market, we have to become
comfortable with being uncomfortable" Amen brother, you can't be afraid
in this market, if you are getting a lot of business now, you are taking it
from someone else. If they get pissed off then they will find another
career, if it motivates them to do better then they will pull the whole
profession up with them. As far as I am concerned that is a Win/Win.
I enjoyed sharing with you, I hope it helps.
Steve Kantor
Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247
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