Monday, November 12, 2007

The making Project Tinkertoy - part 2

(Inaudible) and (Inaudible) as well as one of the first clients of my company (inaudible). (Inaudible) really gets the credit for this book happening since without (Inaudible) I would have never been interested in Paddy and she wouldn't have been invited me to the conference, so thank you (Inaudible). After I got up the plane, the e-mails went out once wireless went on and within an hour or two (Inaudible) was the first person who replied back yes. (Inaudible) doesn't really even know me, so that (inaudible) she said yes to a secret project that she had no idea what it was about. In all about four to five people said yes and then at the conference, I explained it to Paddy and Paddy said yes and then we announced it to the group on Saturday afternoon. The group built Tinkertoys to build an airplane as part of a project or exercise during the conference on Saturday afternoon, and on Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m., the group started working on project Tinkertoys. We broke up into billion dollar agent triangles of three people, each triangle named themselves, appointed spokespersons, brainstormed for half an hour and I gathered that information. The next morning at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, 15 of us met for breakfast and brainstormed further. Based upon that input, I created a (inaudible) on-line survey on Sunday afternoon at around 2:00 p.m. I e-mailed out that survey to about 10 to 15 agents who were at the conference who had already e-mailed me so I got their e-mail address. If everything is going write, it's now Sunday at 9:30 p.m. and hopefully some of the agents have already forwarded a list of a few hundred agents that they know. The objective is to (inaudible), collaboration, (inaudible) marketing and social networking to get the word out to a 1,000 agents or more within the next 24 hours and have a 100 agents or more respond with ideas via the on-line survey. I also got our team of experts of best agent business working on the project, Jennifer (inaudible)
Steve Kantor

Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247

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