Friday, November 16, 2007

North Pole Alaska - Ishido

Jennifer who was proj lead just told us:

I truly do live in a town called North Pole. North Pole,
AK 99705 to be exact. To add to the disbeleif factor...
I started working at the Santa Clause House when I was in
high school and worked there for two years as "Head Elf"
in the Toys and Ornament department. I loved it! I got
to decorate trees and play with toys all day.

The town isn't that big, probably right under 2,000
people. We have a Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendy's and a
small grocery store. The temperature ranges between 90
and -60 through the year.

Steve Kantor

Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247

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