Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dinner with Noah H.

Just had drinks, aka dinner in vegas, with Noah H, a Billion Dollar Agent. Discussed how value of moving Billion Dollar Agent net margin for 20 to 30%, which we cld do in 1-2 years, is worth $20 million to Billion Dollar Agent platform which is let's say $70 mil.on 3-5x ebitda. And 70 bdas is $1 million net worth increase.


Is it worth sharing ideas and spending 10-20k a year to make $1 mil increased value??

Shoutout to any Billion Dollar Agent reading - pls email me. You too future Billion Dollar Agents, you know who you are...
Steve Kantor

Phone: 240-396-5282
Fax: 240-751-4247

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